Check back for news and updates on the 2018 Creature Weekend Speakers

Bob Gimlin
Creature Weekend is proud to announce our fourth speaker for the 2018 Creature Weekend conference to be held from October 26-28 at Salt Fork State Lodge. Born in Missouri in 1931, Bob Gimlin eventually moved to Washington where he currently lives and works as a rancher. In his youth, Bob was known for his keen tracking ability, his experience rodeo riding and breaking in young horses. In October of 1967, Bob Gimlin and his friend Roger Patterson rode out to an area in northern California where there had been intermittent reports of Bigfoot sightings and tracks. On October 20, 1967 Bob and Roger were traveling upstream along the east bank of Bluff Creek when they encountered what was allegedly a Bigfoot. During this encounter, Roger Patterson was able to film 53 seconds of footage depicting a hairy bipedal creature departing the scene in rapid fashion. This footage has been scrutinized for over 50 years and to this day, has never been proven to be a hoax.
Creature Weekend is proud to announce our fourth speaker for the 2018 Creature Weekend conference to be held from October 26-28 at Salt Fork State Lodge. Born in Missouri in 1931, Bob Gimlin eventually moved to Washington where he currently lives and works as a rancher. In his youth, Bob was known for his keen tracking ability, his experience rodeo riding and breaking in young horses. In October of 1967, Bob Gimlin and his friend Roger Patterson rode out to an area in northern California where there had been intermittent reports of Bigfoot sightings and tracks. On October 20, 1967 Bob and Roger were traveling upstream along the east bank of Bluff Creek when they encountered what was allegedly a Bigfoot. During this encounter, Roger Patterson was able to film 53 seconds of footage depicting a hairy bipedal creature departing the scene in rapid fashion. This footage has been scrutinized for over 50 years and to this day, has never been proven to be a hoax.

Stanton T. Friedman
Nuclear Physicist-Author-Lecturer Stanton T. Friedman received his BSc. and MSc. Degrees in physics from the University of Chicago in 1955 and 1956. He was employed for 14 years as a nuclear physicist by such companies as GE, GM, Westinghouse Astronuclear Laboratory, TRW Systems, Aerojet General Nucleonics, and McDonnell-Douglas Astronautics He worked in such highly advanced, classified, eventually cancelled programs as nuclear aircraft, fission and fusion rockets, and various compact nuclear power-plants for space and terrestrial applications. He is a member of the American Nuclear Society, The American Physical Society, and the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics. He became interested in UFOs in 1958, and since 1967 has lectured about them at more than 600 colleges and 100 professional groups in all50 U.S. states, all 10 Canadian provinces and 19 other countries. He has only had L1 hecklers of which 2were drunk He has published more than 100 UFO papers and has appeared on hundreds of radio and TV programs including on Larry King in 1997,2007 and twice in 2008, and many documentaries. He is the original civilian investigator of the Roswell Incident and coauthored "Crash at Corona: Thc Definitive Study of the Roswell Incident". TOP SECRET/VIAJIC his controversial book about the Majestic 12 group, established in 1947 to deal with alien technology, rvas published in 1996 and went through 6 printings. An expandcd new edition was published in 2005. Stan was presented with a Lifetime UFO Achievement Award in Leeds, England, in2002, by UFO Magazine of the UK. He is coauthor with Kathleen Marden (Betty Hill's niece) of a book in 20A7:'oCaptured! The Betty and Barney Hill UFO Experienee". The City of Fredericton, New , Canada, declared August 27 ,2007, Stanton tr'riedman Day. His book "Flying Saucers and Science" rvas published in June, 2008, and is in its 4th printing. I{is book'6Science Was Wrong: Startling Truths about Cures, Theories, rnd Inventions (They' Declared Impossible" with Kathleen Marden, was published in June,2010. On July 212010, he rvas inducted into the Roswell, Nerv Mexico, UFO Hall of Fame for his long term investigative efforts on that important case. He and Marden completed a new hook in Septcmber 2016'(Fact, Fiction, and Flying Saucerst'. Both TOP SECRET/MAJIC and 'oCaptured! The Betty and Barney,HiII UFO Experience" have been optioned for movies by Stellar Productions of Hollywood. He has provided written testimony to Congressional Hearings, appeared trvice at the UN, and been a pionecr in many aspects of trfology including Roswell, Majestic 12, Thrr Bctty Hill-Marjorie Fish star map rvork, analysis of the Delphos, Kansas, physical trace ease, crashed saucers, flying saucer tcchnology, and challenges to the S.B.T.I. (Silly Effort To Investigate) cultists. He has spoken at morc MUFON Symposia than nnyone else. Stanton T. Friedman is a dual citizcn of the USA and Canadn and lives in, Fredericton, NB, Canada.
Nuclear Physicist-Author-Lecturer Stanton T. Friedman received his BSc. and MSc. Degrees in physics from the University of Chicago in 1955 and 1956. He was employed for 14 years as a nuclear physicist by such companies as GE, GM, Westinghouse Astronuclear Laboratory, TRW Systems, Aerojet General Nucleonics, and McDonnell-Douglas Astronautics He worked in such highly advanced, classified, eventually cancelled programs as nuclear aircraft, fission and fusion rockets, and various compact nuclear power-plants for space and terrestrial applications. He is a member of the American Nuclear Society, The American Physical Society, and the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics. He became interested in UFOs in 1958, and since 1967 has lectured about them at more than 600 colleges and 100 professional groups in all50 U.S. states, all 10 Canadian provinces and 19 other countries. He has only had L1 hecklers of which 2were drunk He has published more than 100 UFO papers and has appeared on hundreds of radio and TV programs including on Larry King in 1997,2007 and twice in 2008, and many documentaries. He is the original civilian investigator of the Roswell Incident and coauthored "Crash at Corona: Thc Definitive Study of the Roswell Incident". TOP SECRET/VIAJIC his controversial book about the Majestic 12 group, established in 1947 to deal with alien technology, rvas published in 1996 and went through 6 printings. An expandcd new edition was published in 2005. Stan was presented with a Lifetime UFO Achievement Award in Leeds, England, in2002, by UFO Magazine of the UK. He is coauthor with Kathleen Marden (Betty Hill's niece) of a book in 20A7:'oCaptured! The Betty and Barney Hill UFO Experienee". The City of Fredericton, New , Canada, declared August 27 ,2007, Stanton tr'riedman Day. His book "Flying Saucers and Science" rvas published in June, 2008, and is in its 4th printing. I{is book'6Science Was Wrong: Startling Truths about Cures, Theories, rnd Inventions (They' Declared Impossible" with Kathleen Marden, was published in June,2010. On July 212010, he rvas inducted into the Roswell, Nerv Mexico, UFO Hall of Fame for his long term investigative efforts on that important case. He and Marden completed a new hook in Septcmber 2016'(Fact, Fiction, and Flying Saucerst'. Both TOP SECRET/MAJIC and 'oCaptured! The Betty and Barney,HiII UFO Experience" have been optioned for movies by Stellar Productions of Hollywood. He has provided written testimony to Congressional Hearings, appeared trvice at the UN, and been a pionecr in many aspects of trfology including Roswell, Majestic 12, Thrr Bctty Hill-Marjorie Fish star map rvork, analysis of the Delphos, Kansas, physical trace ease, crashed saucers, flying saucer tcchnology, and challenges to the S.B.T.I. (Silly Effort To Investigate) cultists. He has spoken at morc MUFON Symposia than nnyone else. Stanton T. Friedman is a dual citizcn of the USA and Canadn and lives in, Fredericton, NB, Canada.

Bruce Champagne
Bruce Champagne has been involved with the investigation of relict hominoids and other cryptids for over forty years, and has been published in the Woodknocks: Journal of Sasquatch Research, Journal of Cryptozoology, International Cryptozoology Journal, and Elementum Bestia and Dracontology cryptozoology-related journals. Bruce has also written cryptozoology-related magazine articles, appeared in television and radio programming, and provided background information and consultation for other programming and projects. Bruce has been invited to speak at international functions, and his research is widely cited.
Bruce is a member of the International Cryptozoology Society and British Columbia Scientific Cryptozoology Club, and was a member of the original International Society of Cryptozoology.
Bruce Champagne has been involved with the investigation of relict hominoids and other cryptids for over forty years, and has been published in the Woodknocks: Journal of Sasquatch Research, Journal of Cryptozoology, International Cryptozoology Journal, and Elementum Bestia and Dracontology cryptozoology-related journals. Bruce has also written cryptozoology-related magazine articles, appeared in television and radio programming, and provided background information and consultation for other programming and projects. Bruce has been invited to speak at international functions, and his research is widely cited.
Bruce is a member of the International Cryptozoology Society and British Columbia Scientific Cryptozoology Club, and was a member of the original International Society of Cryptozoology.

Amy Bue & Project Zoobook
Project Zoobook was started by Ohio's Amy Bue and a private group of primate zoologists interested in the possibility of Bigfoot being an unknown North American primate. It has since quickly grown to be an impressive collection of mainstream scientists working alongside dedicated Bigfoot field researchers from across the United States; these researchers include Tina Sams, Shane Corson, David Wickham, Adam Davies, Todd Neiss, and David Ellis, among several others.
The members currently gain and share knowledge to further the study of Bigfoot through phone conferencing, keeping a detailed database of topics covered, meeting at different facilities for primate observation, mapping reported Bigfoot sighting areas, and planning future expeditions to get the zoologists out in the field.
The core Ohio group travelled to Oregon’s Beachfoot this past summer to meet up with some of their West Coast members. While there, Amy and one of the group’s zoologists presented Project Zoobook to Beachfoot’s attendees.
On her own, Amy is a teacher who is also an avid camper and Bigfoot researcher. She investigates witness reports for the BFRO as well as her own group, ABLE. Amy speaks at libraries, conferences, and other events, and has been interviewed by several newspapers, blogs, and podcasts such as The Crypto Blast, Monster X Radio, Bigfoot Eyewitness Radio, and Undiscovered Beasts and Strange Phenomena. Amy received the 2018 Dedicated Researcher award at this year’s International Bigfoot Conference in Kennewick, Washington. Along with Tina Sams, she is also a cohost of Creekfoot, a Bigfoot gathering in Columbiana County, Ohio.
Project Zoobook was started by Ohio's Amy Bue and a private group of primate zoologists interested in the possibility of Bigfoot being an unknown North American primate. It has since quickly grown to be an impressive collection of mainstream scientists working alongside dedicated Bigfoot field researchers from across the United States; these researchers include Tina Sams, Shane Corson, David Wickham, Adam Davies, Todd Neiss, and David Ellis, among several others.
The members currently gain and share knowledge to further the study of Bigfoot through phone conferencing, keeping a detailed database of topics covered, meeting at different facilities for primate observation, mapping reported Bigfoot sighting areas, and planning future expeditions to get the zoologists out in the field.
The core Ohio group travelled to Oregon’s Beachfoot this past summer to meet up with some of their West Coast members. While there, Amy and one of the group’s zoologists presented Project Zoobook to Beachfoot’s attendees.
On her own, Amy is a teacher who is also an avid camper and Bigfoot researcher. She investigates witness reports for the BFRO as well as her own group, ABLE. Amy speaks at libraries, conferences, and other events, and has been interviewed by several newspapers, blogs, and podcasts such as The Crypto Blast, Monster X Radio, Bigfoot Eyewitness Radio, and Undiscovered Beasts and Strange Phenomena. Amy received the 2018 Dedicated Researcher award at this year’s International Bigfoot Conference in Kennewick, Washington. Along with Tina Sams, she is also a cohost of Creekfoot, a Bigfoot gathering in Columbiana County, Ohio.