SAVE THE DATE: October 26-28, 2018
Salt Fork State Park
Cambridge, OH
What is Creature Weekend?
Creature Weekend is a conference dedicated to the exploration and discussion of Cryptozoology. Held annually in Cambridge, Ohio, the conference attracts researchers from all over the USA and features speakers on various cryptozoological topics. Whether you are an experienced researcher, armchair enthusiast, or someone who would like to learn about the exciting field of cryptozoology, Creature Weekend offers something for everyone in a friendly and fun environment. We regularly have workshops that teach beginners and veterans the proper way to collect potential evidence for the existence of Cryptids and offer hikes into the field for a real investigative experience. We also sponsor a Summer Campout that is a family friendly way to share your experiences and best practices in the field with others who share your passion.
What is Cryptozoology?
Cryptozoology is the study of hidden animals, i.e. animals that have yet to be identified by science or thought to have been long extinct. Bigfoot, Dogmen, The Abominable Snowman, The Loch Ness Monster, Thunderbirds and many other mysterious and elusive creatures fall into this category.
QUESTIONS? Contact Cosmo Kramer / EMAIL: [email protected]
**Speakers and Schedule May Be Subject to Change Without Notice
Creature Weekend is a conference dedicated to the exploration and discussion of Cryptozoology. Held annually in Cambridge, Ohio, the conference attracts researchers from all over the USA and features speakers on various cryptozoological topics. Whether you are an experienced researcher, armchair enthusiast, or someone who would like to learn about the exciting field of cryptozoology, Creature Weekend offers something for everyone in a friendly and fun environment. We regularly have workshops that teach beginners and veterans the proper way to collect potential evidence for the existence of Cryptids and offer hikes into the field for a real investigative experience. We also sponsor a Summer Campout that is a family friendly way to share your experiences and best practices in the field with others who share your passion.
What is Cryptozoology?
Cryptozoology is the study of hidden animals, i.e. animals that have yet to be identified by science or thought to have been long extinct. Bigfoot, Dogmen, The Abominable Snowman, The Loch Ness Monster, Thunderbirds and many other mysterious and elusive creatures fall into this category.
QUESTIONS? Contact Cosmo Kramer / EMAIL: [email protected]
**Speakers and Schedule May Be Subject to Change Without Notice
Check back for Creature Weekend 2018 News and Updates !
2018 CONFERENCE UPDATE (10/23/2018)
GOLD WEEKEND PASSES AND FRIDAY NIGHT DINNER TICKETS ARE SOLD OUT! However, due to the high demand, we have extended the online VIP and General Admission, discounted ticket sales by a couple days. Unless we sell out, we will have a handful of VIP and General Admission tickets available at the door. Reserve your seat and purchase your VIP tickets now! |
2018 CONFERENCE UPDATE (10/17/2018)
At Creature Weekend this year, we are extremely pleased to be hosting The Ohio Falconry Association on Sunday, October 28th. This educational event is FREE and open to the Public and will take place after the Survival Workshop hosted by Tom Laskowski of the MIdwest Native Skills Institute. The Ohio Falconry Association is a collective of about 100 guys and gals that train and hunt with birds of prey. Falconry is the pursuit of wild game with trained raptors. OFA tries to promote the unique bond between raptors and humans in that pursuit. We have members flying red-tailed hawks, Harris’s hawks, goshawks, Cooper hawks, and once in awhile kestrels,merlins, and peregrine falcons. Falconry is a two thousand year old sport that we continue to engage in using the same techniques used in the past while at the same time incorporating 21st century technology and materials. Presenting will be Mike Krock, a wildlife biologist by trade and a falconer for about 5 or 6 years bringing his 2 year old Harris’s hawk. Also Mike Pompoco, former Air Force and airline pilot and falconer for 20 years with his 2 year old Harris’s hawk and Andrew Grether with his red-tailed hawk as well. For more information, check out their website at |
2018 CONFERENCE UPDATE (10/16/2018)
"What really happened in Roswell, New Mexico in 1947" What really happened in the lonely desert that night in Roswell, New Mexico in 1947? Despite the fact that early responders identified the wreckage as a UFO, the US Air force (and wikipedia) tell us that it was an Air force weather balloon that had crashed. What clues do we have that the government back in 1947 wasn't being forthright with their information? Join us at the Friday Night Dinner with the speakers as the foremost expert on Roswell, Stanton Friedman, uncovers the events that happened that night and why the Gov't explanations about what they really recovered don't hold water. This is a special presentation that you won't want to miss! |
2018 CONFERENCE UPDATE (10/15/2018)
We are excited to announce that we will be hosting a survival workshop entitled "Can YOU survive?" This workshop will be taught by Veteran Survivalist, Tom Laskowski, who is the founder of the Midwest Native Skills Institute survival school. Tom trained with internationally renowned author and tracker Tom Brown, Jr. as well as other survival experts in the field such as Errette Callahan, Daniel Firehawk, Del Hall, Charles Worsham, Robert Berg, and Ray Reitze. Recently, the "American Survival Guide" selected Tom's Survival School, Midwest Native Survival Skills, as one of the top 5 schools to learn Wilderness Self-Reliance and Survival Skills in the United States. Workshop Description: You're in the woods, tracking the best lead you ever came across, its been hours and your still tracking...then you look around, see the sun setting and you have no idea where you are. That can never happen to you....right? Just in case, be prepared and join use for our "Survival in the Woods" workshop. Topics to be covered: How to "Lost-Proof" yourself Making Fire without Matches Quick & Easy Shelter to save your life Drinkable Water - With or Without Filters Navigation Tips without a compass Food - Plants or Animals? Survival Kits - what goes into one? "Ask the Expert" Q & A session (get your specific questions and concerns answered) This workshop is free to people who hold a Gold Weekend Pass ticket or a Sunday BBQ ticket. 2018 CONFERENCE UPDATE (10/15/2018)
We are excited to announce that we will be hosting a survival workshop entitled "Can YOU survive?" This workshop will be taught by Veteran Survivalist, Tom Laskowski, who is the founder of the Midwest Native Skills Institute survival school. Tom trained with internationally renowned author and tracker Tom Brown, Jr. as well as other survival experts in the field such as Errette Callahan, Daniel Firehawk, Del Hall, Charles Worsham, Robert Berg, and Ray Reitze. Recently, the "American Survival Guide" selected Tom's Survival School, Midwest Native Survival Skills, as one of the top 5 schools to learn Wilderness Self-Reliance and Survival Skills in the United States. Workshop Description: You're in the woods, tracking the best lead you ever came across, its been hours and your still tracking...then you look around, see the sun setting and you have no idea where you are. That can never happen to you....right? Just in case, be prepared and join use for our "Survival in the Woods" workshop. Topics to be covered: How to "Lost-Proof" yourself Making Fire without Matches Quick & Easy Shelter to save your life Drinkable Water - With or Without Filters Navigation Tips without a compass Food - Plants or Animals? Survival Kits - what goes into one? "Ask the Expert" Q & A session (get your specific questions and concerns answered) This workshop is free to people who hold a Gold Weekend Pass ticket or a Sunday BBQ ticket. 2018 CONFERENCE UPDATE (10/15/2018)
We are excited to announce that we will be hosting a survival workshop entitled "Can YOU survive?" This workshop will be taught by Veteran Survivalist, Tom Laskowski, who is the founder of the Midwest Native Skills Institute survival school. Tom trained with internationally renowned author and tracker Tom Brown, Jr. as well as other survival experts in the field such as Errette Callahan, Daniel Firehawk, Del Hall, Charles Worsham, Robert Berg, and Ray Reitze. Recently, the "American Survival Guide" selected Tom's Survival School, Midwest Native Survival Skills, as one of the top 5 schools to learn Wilderness Self-Reliance and Survival Skills in the United States. Workshop Description: You're in the woods, tracking the best lead you ever came across, its been hours and your still tracking...then you look around, see the sun setting and you have no idea where you are. That can never happen to you....right? Just in case, be prepared and join use for our "Survival in the Woods" workshop. Topics to be covered: How to "Lost-Proof" yourself Making Fire without Matches Quick & Easy Shelter to save your life Drinkable Water - With or Without Filters Navigation Tips without a compass Food - Plants or Animals? Survival Kits - what goes into one? "Ask the Expert" Q & A session (get your specific questions and concerns answered) This workshop is free to people who hold a Gold Weekend Pass ticket or a Sunday BBQ ticket. |
2018 CONFERENCE UPDATE (10/4/2018)
Back by Popular Demand, the Creature Weekend Bigfoot Night Hike! You will have the opportunity to accompany our guides on a night hike to one of the Park's famous Bigfoot sighting locations. This year, the hike will be led by the Ohio Squatch Project, a local Bigfoot Group dedicated to researching these mysterious creatures. The hike is easy to medium difficulty so please wear appropriate footwear and clothing. You can RSVP for the hike at the Creature Weekend Registration table. Instructions will be given out immediately after the free screening of "Cultured Bigfoot" which will be taking place at Salt Fork State Park Lodge. Check the schedule for more details. From the Ohio Squatch Project: "We are a group that believes in education and preservation of the Forest Giants. Our members have been researching and educating people about bigfoot for many years and in some cases for as long as 25 years. Our group was founded by Glenn Adkins and Josh Huckels on October 1, 2014. Within those 25 years we have worked with some of the Greatest Bigfoot Researchers of all time. Our mission is to not just prove their existence, but to create a relationship with these creatures. While doing this we would like to encourage and promote the research of bigfoot." |
2018 CONFERENCE UPDATE (10/3/2018)
We are extremely excited to be adding Amy Bue from Project Zoobook as a speaker at this year's Creature Weekend. Amy Bue will be replacing David Ellis, who unfortunately, can't make it to this year's conference due to personal obligations. To Learn more about Amy Bue, <<CLICK HERE>> |
2018 CONFERENCE UPDATE (9/25/2018)
Every year, Creature Weekend hosts its famous Crypto Art Auction where we auction off pieces of art that are Cryptozoology themed in nature and donated by artists and vendors. This year, we are extremely fortunate in that our auction will be conducted by a professional auctioneer, Leona Pliszka, who is the owner of an onsite auction business based in Ohio. Her interest in Cryptozoology started with the Patterson-Gimlin film leading to her main interest and study of Sasquatch and other cryptids. Currently, Leona is a moderator of a Facebook group called, “Anything Cryptozoology, UFO, the Paranormal, Paleontology.” Fascinated with the subject, Leona enjoys studying, reading, watching documentaries and doing field research. Her most exciting moments in the field include finding a “big foot structure,” footprints and witnessing a vocalization of Sasquatch. Years ago, she witnessed and documented a UFO sighting in Ohio and has seen flying discs in Costa Rica. Leona has also visited the Blue Mountains in Australia where there have been numerous Yowie sightings. |
2018 CONFERENCE UPDATE (5/25/2018)
This year, we are fortunate to have several local Bigfoot Groups speak at Creature Weekend. On such group is the Ohio Bigfoot Hunters. Headed up by veteran bigfoot researchers, Ed Wiland, Wayne Larsen and Tim Stover, this group has been very active in bigfoot research here in Ohio and has members from all over the world. Ed Wiland will be giving a presentation on some of their most recent research here in the Buckeye State. Ed Wiland is a 9 year Veteran of Law Enforcement in Ohio and Georgia. Ed moved back to Ohio in 2012 and Reconnected with Tim Stover-(The Ohio Bigfoot Hunter)a friend since High School. Ed now is an Investigator with Ohio Bigfoot Hunters and spends alot of hours in Portage County's Forests searching for the Creature. Please join me in welcoming "Ed Squatch" to the program this year! Whoop! Whoop! |
2018 CONFERENCE UPDATE (4/19/2018)
Huge Thanks goes out to Crypto Artist Matthew Porter who will be donating some of his originally designed T-Shirts to the Creature Weekend Crypto Auction!
Huge Thanks goes out to Crypto Artist Matthew Porter who will be donating some of his originally designed T-Shirts to the Creature Weekend Crypto Auction!
2018 CONFERENCE UPDATE (4/18/2018)
Get your official 2018 Creature Weekend T-Shirts! <CLICK HERE> |
2018 CONFERENCE UPDATE (4/16/2018)
It is with great pride and anticipation that Creature Weekend announces that Bob Gimlin will be speaking at the 2018 Creature Weekend Conference to be held on October 26-28, 2018 at Salt Fork State Lodge. For more information about Bob Gimlin. <CLICK HERE> |
2018 CONFERENCE UPDATE (4/15/2018)
Vendor Table applications for the 2018 Creature Weekend Conference are now available online! Vendors now can have two days of vending opportunities for one low price! Also, vendors can take advantage of our discounted rooms at Salt Fork Lodge and receive discounted tickets to the Friday night dinner! To learn more about being a vendor at Creature Weekend, <CLICK HERE> |

2018 CONFERENCE UPDATE (3/14/2018)
Creature Weekend is pleased to announce that our third speaker at the 2018 Creature Weekend Conference will be Stanton Friedman. Stanton will be giving a presentation on the Flatwoods Monster sighting in West Virginia that occurred back in the early 50's which, to this very day, remains a mystery! You may know Stanton from his appearances on Larry King, Merv Griffin and Coast to Coast Radio./ He is a highly sought after speaker in UFOlogy and his research on the Roswell crash and consequent cover up by the government is legendary among ufologists.
"The well known sighting of a”monster”associated with a landed UFO in Flatwoods,W. Virginia was quite unusual as there were many witnesses including the mayor. It was quite unique as it was very large and moving in a unique fashion.I have been at the site more than once and have been very impressed with the outstanding investigation done by Frank Feschino as described in his excellent book “The Flatwoods Monster”
Stanton Friedman
To learn more about Stanton's research,
Creature Weekend is pleased to announce that our third speaker at the 2018 Creature Weekend Conference will be Stanton Friedman. Stanton will be giving a presentation on the Flatwoods Monster sighting in West Virginia that occurred back in the early 50's which, to this very day, remains a mystery! You may know Stanton from his appearances on Larry King, Merv Griffin and Coast to Coast Radio./ He is a highly sought after speaker in UFOlogy and his research on the Roswell crash and consequent cover up by the government is legendary among ufologists.
"The well known sighting of a”monster”associated with a landed UFO in Flatwoods,W. Virginia was quite unusual as there were many witnesses including the mayor. It was quite unique as it was very large and moving in a unique fashion.I have been at the site more than once and have been very impressed with the outstanding investigation done by Frank Feschino as described in his excellent book “The Flatwoods Monster”
Stanton Friedman
To learn more about Stanton's research,

2018 CONFERENCE UPDATE (3/11/2018)
The Flatwoods Monster of West Virginia
Cryptids come in many different sizes and shapes but there are times when the description of the cryptid defies the imagination, such is the case of the Flatwoods Monster, also known as the Braxton County Monster or the Phantom of Flatwoods. Flatwoods is a small town in West Virginia and on the night of September 12, 1952, this little town of approximately 300 people became a national spotlight when three young boys spotted a bright object stream across the night sky and come to rest on a property owned by a local farmer. The boys (Edward and Fred May, and their friend Tommy Hyer) immediately fetched Edward and Fred's mother, Kathleen. Since the boys were visibly shaken, Kathleen, the three boys, two other local children and a 17 year old National Guardsman set out to the Fisher farm to locate the object of the boys' interest. Upon arriving at the hill where the boys had seen the object come to rest, they noticed that their dog, who had run out ahead of them was returning with his tail between his legs. The group witnessed a pulsating ball of fire about 50 feet to their right that was accompanied by a noxious gas that irritated their eyes and throat. Underneath a nearby oak tree, the group saw a creature which they described as being 7 ft tall, having a glowing face, black body, non-human eyes and a large cowling behind its head that was shaped like a spade. The creature "glided" toward them and made a hissing noise before it sped off in another direction. The group panicked and fled. After this incident was reported, other eyewitnesses came forward with similar encounters and a similar description of the creature. Interestingly enough, members of the September 12th group exhibited a sickness for many weeks after their initial exposure to the noxious gas, similar to the symptoms of "mustard gas" exposure.
The Flatwoods Monster of West Virginia
Cryptids come in many different sizes and shapes but there are times when the description of the cryptid defies the imagination, such is the case of the Flatwoods Monster, also known as the Braxton County Monster or the Phantom of Flatwoods. Flatwoods is a small town in West Virginia and on the night of September 12, 1952, this little town of approximately 300 people became a national spotlight when three young boys spotted a bright object stream across the night sky and come to rest on a property owned by a local farmer. The boys (Edward and Fred May, and their friend Tommy Hyer) immediately fetched Edward and Fred's mother, Kathleen. Since the boys were visibly shaken, Kathleen, the three boys, two other local children and a 17 year old National Guardsman set out to the Fisher farm to locate the object of the boys' interest. Upon arriving at the hill where the boys had seen the object come to rest, they noticed that their dog, who had run out ahead of them was returning with his tail between his legs. The group witnessed a pulsating ball of fire about 50 feet to their right that was accompanied by a noxious gas that irritated their eyes and throat. Underneath a nearby oak tree, the group saw a creature which they described as being 7 ft tall, having a glowing face, black body, non-human eyes and a large cowling behind its head that was shaped like a spade. The creature "glided" toward them and made a hissing noise before it sped off in another direction. The group panicked and fled. After this incident was reported, other eyewitnesses came forward with similar encounters and a similar description of the creature. Interestingly enough, members of the September 12th group exhibited a sickness for many weeks after their initial exposure to the noxious gas, similar to the symptoms of "mustard gas" exposure.
2018 CONFERENCE UPDATE (3/2/2018)
Are you a Crypto Artist who would like your artwork displayed at the 2018 Creature Weekend Conference? Email [email protected] for a Crypto Art Registration form. For more information on the Crypto Art Exhibit <CLICK HERE> |
2018 CONFERENCE UPDATE (2/26/2018)
Creature Weekend is proud to welcome Bruce Champagne as one of the speakers for Creature Weekend 2018! Bruce has spent the last 40 years researching cryptids and is a member of the International Cryptozoology Society and British Columbia Scientific Cryptozoology Club and will be a speaker at the upcoming Australian Cryptozoology Conference this year. For more info about Bruce Champagne, <CLICK HERE> |
2018 CONFERENCE UPDATE (2/24/2018)
EARLY BIRD DISCOUNTED TICKETS !!! Creature Weekend Early Bird Ticket Sales goes online March 1, 2018. For more info about tickets, <CLICK HERE>
EARLY BIRD DISCOUNTED TICKETS !!! Creature Weekend Early Bird Ticket Sales goes online March 1, 2018. For more info about tickets, <CLICK HERE>
2018 CONFERENCE UPDATE (2/21/2018)
Creature Weekend welcomes David Ellis as one of our speakers for the 2018 Conference. David is a long time Sasquatch Researcher and member of the Olympic Project based in Washington. David's expertise is in the area of field audio recordings and analysis. His presentation will delve into the challenges of field recording and sound analysis and he will reveal his methods of recording, isolating and analyzing audio. You won't want to miss this presentation! For more info about David, <CLICK HERE> |
2018 CONFERENCE UPDATE (2/20/2018)
CREATURE WEEKEND is proud to announce that we will be screening Bill and Amy Lancaster's new movie, "Cultured Bigfoot" at this year's Creature Weekend Conference "Cultured Bigfoot" a film by Bill Lancaster Written and narrated by Amy Lancaster Co-Produced, Directed by Bill & Amy Lancaster Bill and Amy are a husband and wife team living in southwest Virginia. Together they are small business owners who also enjoy cryptozoology and other fringe subjects. With Bill's background in photography the couple decided to venture into movie making as a way to further engage their interests. "Cultured Bigfoot" is the result of this inspiration. Bill and Amy hope to use the experience gained from this their first documentary to further develop their share passion into future film projects. "Cultured Bigfoot takes a look at a sub-culture within a sub-culture, focusing on the people who search for the elusive Bigfoot with more than just belief in its existence. A well-thought-out film that displays the passion from not only the filmmakers, but a community of people searching for something that could not only break scientific boundaries, but pop-culture as we know it."-Author Stephen J.Semones For more details about the movie,<CLICK HERE> |
2018 CONFERENCE UPDATE (2/19/2018)
Are you an artist who would like to submit a piece of artwork to this year's Crypto Art Exhibit? We are now accepting submissions for the 2018 Crypto Art Exhibit to be held at the Creature Weekend Conference on October 26-28,2018. Email us at [email protected] for the Crypto Art Registration Form. For more information, go to <CLICK HERE> |
2018 CONFERENCE UPDATE (2/13/2018)
GET YOUR ROOMS FOR CREATURE WEEKEND 2018! Get your rooms for Creature Weekend 2018! We have released a small block of heavily discounted rooms for this year's conference. If you've ever been to Salt Fork State Park Lodge, you already know what an awesome time you'll have at this resort. The dates of Creature Weekend this year are October 26-28, 2018. Be sure to mention "Creature Weekend 2018" when booking your room so that you can receive your discount. ***Special Bonus: Stay at Salt Fork Friday & Saturday Night and then stay over Sunday Night (October 28) for only an extra $50.00.***
To Book Your Room or Cabin, <CLICK HERE>
GET YOUR ROOMS FOR CREATURE WEEKEND 2018! Get your rooms for Creature Weekend 2018! We have released a small block of heavily discounted rooms for this year's conference. If you've ever been to Salt Fork State Park Lodge, you already know what an awesome time you'll have at this resort. The dates of Creature Weekend this year are October 26-28, 2018. Be sure to mention "Creature Weekend 2018" when booking your room so that you can receive your discount. ***Special Bonus: Stay at Salt Fork Friday & Saturday Night and then stay over Sunday Night (October 28) for only an extra $50.00.***
To Book Your Room or Cabin, <CLICK HERE>
2018 CONFERENCE UPDATE (2/2/2018)
SAVE THE DATE! Creature Weekend 2018 will be held on October 26-28, 2018.
SAVE THE DATE! Creature Weekend 2018 will be held on October 26-28, 2018.